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HotHotSoftware Products related to the term "find and replace"

Find and Replace Text in Multiple Text Files or Multiple HTML Files

Find and replace text in multiple html or text files using this software! If you want to know how to do it, get it now! With this software: * Recursively select a set of text or HTML files that you wish to search for text in (text find) * Automatically find and replace text. You can use simple queries, or more sophisticated queries (usi...

MS Word Find and Replace Text in Multiple MS Word Documents/Files

If you want to know how to find and replace text in multiple microsoft word documents, then this software is for you! * Easily select a number of ms word documents to search for text in * Specify the text you want to replace for 'find' occurances * Click a button, then automatically...

Search files for text and Find Files with specified text

Do you find it annoying trying to use Microsoft's intrinsic file finder, because it doesn't actually find the text that you want? Do you find it frustrating because many times it seems to ignore certain file types, or just doesn't open up certain file types, because of some wierd set up rules? Well, if you've ever discovered that Microsoft's File Finder does _not_ actually seem to search all visible files that you want, then this software is def...

String replace text/Find and replace text for multiple files with regular expressions (regex) software

Using this software, you can easily and automatically find and replace text in a single, multiple, or selected files using simple or regular (regex) expressions. To start, simply select a file, any number of files, or recursively scan directories with wildcards. Then, you can enter multiple find/search and replace statements and order them how they should act on the file. (You can even save these set of instructions to use later, as a batch job on a set of files)....