Create Multiple File Folders from Text Files or a list of file paths software
Use this software to easily create multiple file folders from a text
list or a list of text items! Simply browse for text files
individually or with file wildcards, or cut and paste a list of text
file paths. Then, click on the button and the software will
automatically create that folder structure for you! It is also great
for things such as running programming tests on certain file directory
structures, automatically creating certain lists, and...
Create Multiple Files From Text File List Software
Do you need to create multiple files at once? Perhaps you need to use
it for testing, load testing, populating a harddrive with files to
test seek times, or something else. Whatever your needs, this software
allows you to easily create multiple text files over and over, and you
can pre-populate it with the text you want!
* Simple format and easy to use functions.
* Add single or multiple files
* Help section to guide you through any difficulties
Get this great...
Zip Multiple Folders and Multiple Directories into zipfiles
GO THROUGH EACH FOLDER ONE BY ONE! Do you have a bunch of different
folders that you need zipped all at once? Perhaps you want to
archive/and make backups of important documents that you work on a
regular basis, and you find it a pain to have to manually repeat the
process day after day? Well, using this software you no longer need to
worry about that! This software: