HotHotSoftware Products related to the term
Delete files by date range, file mask or number of days old
If you want to know how to delete files by date, date ranges, number
of days old or more, then this software is for you! Using this file
date software, you can:
* Easily select a group of files or filenames recursively, by
certain file mask, that you want to delete
* Specify a date range of files to delete, or specify how many days
old... Internet cleaner eraser and tracks eraser history privacy Software
Do you surf the internet a lot and need to clean up the mess left
behind? Do you want to keep your private activities private, and clean
your internet history, or shred existing files? If so, then this
software is for you! With the Internet cleaner eraser and tracks
eraser history privacy software, you can:
* Automatically clean your system on system startup, as well as have
a secret 'boss'...